During my free time and as part of courses, I have been working on some development projects.
Wordtrainer is an application for practicing words, designed to help you be efficient in your studying. It supports synonyms, repeat miss spelled words and printing word lists. Other features are instant correction and sound support.
I started to develop Wordtrainer in 1997, at that time the application was called Glosträning but because of many other softwares using that name and I wanted a more international name so I changed it to Wordtrainer.
In all versions of Glosträning and up to version 3.0 of Wordtrainer the application was developed using Microsoft Visual C++.
From version 3.1 I have completly rewritten the application in C# using MonoDevelop and open sourced the code with GNU GPL. Wordtrainer 3.1.0-beta1 currently runs on Linux with Mono installed.
More information can be found on wordtrainer.net.
Training Skills
Training Skills is a software developed to make it possible to use the computer's power for learning. You feed the application with the words, images and/or sounds you want to learn and then you can choose from different customizable exercises.
I started to work with Training Skills as my project course the last year at Västergårdgymnasiet.
Training Skills is written in Java and the GUI is made in Swing. At the beginning I used Sun Forte for Java as the IDE but later switched to NetBeans.
More information can be found on
Old projects
Website for Södertälje Båtsällskap's youth section (sailing club) I made as a project in a web design course at Västergårdgymnasiet.
Old website: Sail.to/Fifong.